I need to extract the rank of a specific value: This i my out_dict:
out_dict={'198': 2, '223': 5, '102': 7, '197': 6, '183': 9, '184': 3, '248': 1, '255': 8, '179': 10, '241': 4}
This is my Key[BestByte]:
Key[BestByte]= 198
This is my code:
print (out_dict)
for k in out_dict.values():
if out_dict[k] == Key[BestByte]:
print (k)
It gives me this error: KeyError: 4
you're looping on the values, not the keys. Loop on the keys instead. And convert to integer to compare:
for k in out_dict: # same as out_dict.keys(), even slightly better
if int(k) == Key[BestByte]:
BUT looping on the keys of a dictionary to test something is a dead giveaway that something could be improved:
You're not using the dict power in that case. It would be better to do:
if str(Key[BestByte]) in out_dict:
avoids the loop, and the linear search. Now you're using the dictionary lookup with is much faster.
In that case, now to get the value:
if str(Key[BestByte]) in out_dict:
value = out_dict[str(Key[BestByte])]
or just:
value = out_dict.get(str(Key[BestByte])
and test value is not None
just in case the key is missing.