I am primary a Coldfusion developer, for over 10+ years but its time to make a change. I am working through porting some old Colfusion 9 code to node js and I am struggling getting connected to the 3rd party API to access data for our company.
This is the current Coldfusion code that is connecting to the external service:
<cfsavecontent variable="thiscontent">
<username>[email protected]</username>
<cfhttp url="https://API.ENDPOINT" method="post" result="httpResponse" >
<cfhttpparam type="FormField" name="xml" value="#Trim(thiscontent)#" />
This code works find, and returns the expected XML object from the service. However, this what is interesting is that if I remove the 'method="post"' perameter, I get the same error I do when trying to connect with node, more on this in a second.
For node, I am using express.js to interact with the endpoint. Here is the code I am using:
reqOpts = {
url: 'http://API.ENDPOINT',
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/xml'
body: '<post><username>[email protected]</username><password>Pa44w0rd</password></post>'
var getNew = request(reqOpts, function(err, resp, body){
}) ;
This then return the following error:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response><status>FAILURE</status><message>No XML string passed</message></response>
Remember when I said that removing the post parameter from cfhttp causes the same error? I cant seem to get this to work at all in node.
I have tried using request().form, request().auth etc with no success, always the same NO XML STRING PASSED error.
I would be very grateful for any assistance.
In your ColdFusion code you used a FormField named xml
Do the same in Node.js instead of putting the XML straight in the request body:
reqOpts = {
url: 'http://API.ENDPOINT',
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/xml'
form: {
xml: '<post><username>[email protected]</username><password>Pa44w0rd</password></post>'
var getNew = request(reqOpts, function(err, resp, body) {
}) ;