I have been given a build structure that is essentially a shell swf, which I have full access to, and it loads in swf content from Articulate, Presenter, Quizmaker and Engage.
Unfortunately all of the above do not allow a transparent background option on export - so I'd either really like to be proved wrong about that, or alternatively be directed on how to make the output swfs have a transparent Stage/background.
My shell swf has access to those swfs once they're loaded... so I figure that's where I'd do whatever I need to do.
cheers, d
The stage is transparent by default, kind of. If you set wmode="transparent" in the HTML for the Flash Player plugin, only the content of the swf, like MovieClips and graphics, are visible, the stage is not.
Edit: same goes for the swf's you load into your shell swf, they won't have a visible stage rectangle, only the content will show.