I've been reading up on this for months and it seems like the whole thing could converge on what I'm summarizing below. I'm trying to arrive at the most ideal:
Solution that has banking level security quality as the above component are concerned. So this is what seems to make sense.
Is any of this crazy / does it sound reasonable? It skips over invalidating tokens, but it seems ok to do this if the tokens have very short life times and the client can get refresh tokens. I'd like to implement this using Spring-Boot / Spring Security and Angular 4/5 and I'm wondering if I missed anything obvious or perhaps there is an even simpler approach that does not sacrifice/lower security?
Also do you think this would pass "Banking" level security standards check?
Update : Implicit flow is no longer recommended. It is advicec to use authorization code flow with PKCE even for SPAs
Original answer
Few things to clear out,
1. You have to use implicit flow for browser based applications
This is becuase such applications cannot be made confidential and cannot protect a refresh token it recieves. OAuth2.0 RFC too explain about the flow.
Also, according to OAuth2.0 Refresh token definition, Refresh tokens are sort of a credential.
Refresh tokens are credentials used to obtain access tokens
Section 10.4 of RFC6749 explains more about refresh token security, thus explaining the need to use implicit flow for broweser based applications.
2. Implicit flow does not send a refresh token
From OAuth2.0 RFC
When using the implicit grant type flow, a refresh token is not returned, which requires repeating the authorization process once the access token expires.
So when the access token expires, you have to go through the same flow to take a new token set
3. ID tokens usage
Must vlaidate according to specficiation. If the id token is valid, user is authenticated
4. API calls
Two options, either use access token or user ID token.
Usage of access token to communicate with API endpoints is common. It is the intended usage of the access token. From the API endpoint, access token can be vlaidated using introspection endpoint (if the identity provider support one).
But ID token JWT can also be used as a bearer token. For this to be done, API endpoint will need a warapper to validate the ID token. This blog/document contains some good points to consider.