I am trying to deploy Azure Container Service with DCOS orchestrator, 1 master, 1 agent, with Standard D2_v2 agent size (2 cores), West Europe, using Azure portal. I am passing validation at the end of the process, but when I click 'OK' for deployment I get error:
"QuotaExceeded\",\r\n \"message\": \"Operation results in exceeding quota limits of Core. Maximum allowed: 4, Current in use: 0, Additional requested: 6."
Why does service requires 6 cores when I am trying to use D2_v2 agent size that requires only 2 cores?
Here are the pictures with configuration and error: https://i.sstatic.net/NQgl4.jpg
I tried doing the same with azure CLI as in this guide and got the same error.
Edit: I am using free trial service version.
When we try to use Azure marketplace to deploy ACS DC/OS, Azure will create one master and two nodes, at least we need 6 cores.
But free trial subscription with a limit of 4 cores.
As a workaround, we can deploy DC/OS without use Azure marketplace, we can create two VMs and deploy DC/OS on those VMs, one master and one node.
More information about deploy DC/OS on VMs, please refer to this article.