I have two methods in my service which do very simillar things, so the subscribtion is the same. I wanted to join exection so when firing my service method
this.createNewUser(this.userModel, this.userDefaultGroupSelectedId)
res => {
this.msgs = ({ severity: "success", summary: "Success:\n", detail: res });
this.userModel = new User();
error => {
this.msgs = ({ severity: "error", summary: "Error Message:", detail: error.Message ? error.Message : error.toString() });
it would call createNewUser which shold return which function should be called
createNewUser(user: IUser, userDefaultGroupSelectedId: number): Observable<string>
if (this.asRegistration == false) {
return this.userAdministrationService.addNewUser(this.userModel, this.userDefaultGroupSelectedId);
else {
but this approach does not work, I got Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined
my services:
addNewUser(user: IUser, userDefaultGroupSelectedId: number): Observable<string> {
return this.http.post(this.addNewUserUrl)
.catch(error => super.handleError(error))
.map(response => response.json());
registerNewUser(user: IUser): Observable<string>
return this.http.post(this.registerNewUserUrl)
.catch(error => super.handleError(error))
.map(response => response.json());
The problem seems to be that you are not returning the result of this.userAdministrationService.registerNewUser(this.userModel);
, so the return of the function in this case is undefined
Try changing it to:
return this.userAdministrationService.registerNewUser(this.userModel);