I am using janusgraph with cassandra as storage backend. I am using a node package called as bcrypt to encrypt a password before saving it. The data type for that property in janusgraph is String. This is the password hash string which got generated - $2a$10$JSR6FClewTOHGxwpt/F0AePRzGnKvV2L9gj4TL1dA9fQERLWrig7u
This is the error I am getting while trying to save it in the db:
"message": "startup failed:\nScript88.groovy: 1: illegal string body character after dollar sign;\n solution: either escape a literal dollar sign \"\\$5\" or bracket the value expression \"${5}\" @ line 1, column 228.\n elf_reg_ind\",\"2\",\"self_reg_pw\",\"$2a$10$J\n ^\n\n1 error\n",
"Exception-Class": "org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException"
Please let me know if you need any other info.
The query you are passing to the server gets compiled with Groovy, and Groovy is attempting to resolve the $
as an identifier. You have a literal $
in your hash, so you need to put a \
in front of each $
to escape it. For example:
{ "gremlin":
"g.V(1234).property('hash', '\$2a\$10\$JSR6FClewTOHGxwpt/F0AePRzGnKvV2L9gj4TL1dA9fQERLWrig7u')"