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Window manager error: Failed to get proc address for 'eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT'

I used 'ubuntu 17.04' system in VirtualBox.And After i ticked the 3D acceleration up.

There are some gnome-shell's prettification became disable.

And the Gnome Tweak Tool lost the option of shell theme.

So I tryed to start the gnome-shell.But I get the error return that:

Window manager error: Failed to get proc address for 'eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT'

And When i canceled the 3D acceleration down.

I can't enter the system's lock screen.

It show full black all over the screen and didn't return any message.

My VirtualBox is 5.1.28.And host system is win10.


  • apt-get remove --purge virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms virtualbox-ose-guest-utils virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 && apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean