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scala median implementation

What's a fast implementation of median in scala?

This is what I found on rosetta code:

  def median(s: Seq[Double])  =
    val (lower, upper) = s.sortWith(_<_).splitAt(s.size / 2)
    if (s.size % 2 == 0) (lower.last + upper.head) / 2.0 else upper.head

I don't like it because it does a sort. I know there are ways to compute the median in linear time.


I would like to have a set of median functions that I can use in various scenarios:

  1. fast, in place median computation that can be done in linear time
  2. median that works on a stream that you can traverse multiple times, but you can only keep O(log n) values in memory like this
  3. median that works on a stream, where you can hold at most O(log n) values in memory, and you can traverse the stream at most once (is this even possible?)

Please only post code that compiles and correctly computes the median. For simplicity, you may assume that all inputs contain an odd number of values.


  • Immutable Algorithm

    The first algorithm indicated by Taylor Leese is quadratic, but has linear average. That, however, depends on the pivot selection. So I'm providing here a version which has a pluggable pivot selection, and both the random pivot and the median of medians pivot (which guarantees linear time).

    import scala.annotation.tailrec
    @tailrec def findKMedian(arr: Array[Double], k: Int)(implicit choosePivot: Array[Double] => Double): Double = {
        val a = choosePivot(arr)
        val (s, b) = arr partition (a >)
        if (s.size == k) a
        // The following test is used to avoid infinite repetition
        else if (s.isEmpty) {
            val (s, b) = arr partition (a ==)
            if (s.size > k) a
            else findKMedian(b, k - s.size)
        } else if (s.size < k) findKMedian(b, k - s.size)
        else findKMedian(s, k)
    def findMedian(arr: Array[Double])(implicit choosePivot: Array[Double] => Double) = findKMedian(arr, (arr.size - 1) / 2)

    Random Pivot (quadratic, linear average), Immutable

    This is the random pivot selection. Analysis of algorithms with random factors is trickier than normal, because it deals largely with probability and statistics.

    def chooseRandomPivot(arr: Array[Double]): Double = arr(scala.util.Random.nextInt(arr.size))

    Median of Medians (linear), Immutable

    The median of medians method, which guarantees linear time when used with the algorithm above. First, and algorithm to compute the median of up to 5 numbers, which is the basis of the median of medians algorithm. This one was provided by Rex Kerr in this answer -- the algorithm depends a lot on the speed of it.

    def medianUpTo5(five: Array[Double]): Double = {
      def order2(a: Array[Double], i: Int, j: Int) = {
        if (a(i)>a(j)) { val t = a(i); a(i) = a(j); a(j) = t }
      def pairs(a: Array[Double], i: Int, j: Int, k: Int, l: Int) = {
        if (a(i)<a(k)) { order2(a,j,k); a(j) }
        else { order2(a,i,l); a(i) }
      if (five.length < 2) return five(0)
      if (five.length < 4) return (
        if (five.length==2 || five(2) < five(0)) five(0)
        else if (five(2) > five(1)) five(1)
        else five(2)
      if (five.length < 5) pairs(five,0,1,2,3)
      else if (five(0) < five(2)) { order2(five,1,4); pairs(five,1,4,2,3) }
      else { order2(five,3,4); pairs(five,0,1,3,4) }

    And, then, the median of medians algorithm itself. Basically, it guarantees that the choosen pivot will be greater than at least 30% and smaller than other 30% of the list, which is enough to guarantee the linearity of the previous algorithm. Look up the wikipedia link provided in another answer for details.

    def medianOfMedians(arr: Array[Double]): Double = {
        val medians = arr grouped 5 map medianUpTo5 toArray;
        if (medians.size <= 5) medianUpTo5 (medians)
        else medianOfMedians(medians)

    In-place Algorithm

    So, here's an in-place version of the algorithm. I'm using a class that implements a partition in-place, with a backing array, so that the changes to the algorithms are minimal.

    case class ArrayView(arr: Array[Double], from: Int, until: Int) {
        def apply(n: Int) = 
            if (from + n < until) arr(from + n)
            else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(n)
        def partitionInPlace(p: Double => Boolean): (ArrayView, ArrayView) = {
          var upper = until - 1
          var lower = from
          while (lower < upper) {
            while (lower < until && p(arr(lower))) lower += 1
            while (upper >= from && !p(arr(upper))) upper -= 1
            if (lower < upper) { val tmp = arr(lower); arr(lower) = arr(upper); arr(upper) = tmp }
          (copy(until = lower), copy(from = lower))
        def size = until - from
        def isEmpty = size <= 0
        override def toString = arr mkString ("ArraySize(", ", ", ")")
    }; object ArrayView {
        def apply(arr: Array[Double]) = new ArrayView(arr, 0, arr.size)
    @tailrec def findKMedianInPlace(arr: ArrayView, k: Int)(implicit choosePivot: ArrayView => Double): Double = {
        val a = choosePivot(arr)
        val (s, b) = arr partitionInPlace (a >)
        if (s.size == k) a
        // The following test is used to avoid infinite repetition
        else if (s.isEmpty) {
            val (s, b) = arr partitionInPlace (a ==)
            if (s.size > k) a
            else findKMedianInPlace(b, k - s.size)
        } else if (s.size < k) findKMedianInPlace(b, k - s.size)
        else findKMedianInPlace(s, k)
    def findMedianInPlace(arr: Array[Double])(implicit choosePivot: ArrayView => Double) = findKMedianInPlace(ArrayView(arr), (arr.size - 1) / 2)

    Random Pivot, In-place

    I'm only implementing the radom pivot for the in-place algorithms, as the median of medians would require more support than what is presently provided by the ArrayView class I defined.

    def chooseRandomPivotInPlace(arr: ArrayView): Double = arr(scala.util.Random.nextInt(arr.size))

    Histogram Algorithm (O(log(n)) memory), Immutable

    So, about streams. It is impossible to do anything less than O(n) memory for a stream that can only be traversed once, unless you happen to know what the string length is (in which case it ceases to be a stream in my book).

    Using buckets is also a bit problematic, but if we can traverse it multiple times, then we can know its size, maximum and minimum, and work from there. For example:

    def findMedianHistogram(s: Traversable[Double]) = {
        def medianHistogram(s: Traversable[Double], discarded: Int, medianIndex: Int): Double = {
            // The buckets
            def numberOfBuckets = (math.log(s.size).toInt + 1) max 2
            val buckets = new Array[Int](numberOfBuckets)
            // The upper limit of each bucket
            val max = s.max
            val min = s.min
            val increment = (max - min) / numberOfBuckets
            val indices = (-numberOfBuckets + 1 to 0) map (max + increment * _)
            // Return the bucket a number is supposed to be in
            def bucketIndex(d: Double) = indices indexWhere (d <=)
            // Compute how many in each bucket
            s foreach { d => buckets(bucketIndex(d)) += 1 }
            // Now make the buckets cumulative
            val partialTotals = buckets.scanLeft(discarded)(_+_).drop(1)
            // The bucket where our target is at
            val medianBucket = partialTotals indexWhere (medianIndex <)
            // Keep track of how many numbers there are that are less 
            // than the median bucket
            val newDiscarded = if (medianBucket == 0) discarded else partialTotals(medianBucket - 1)
            // Test whether a number is in the median bucket
            def insideMedianBucket(d: Double) = bucketIndex(d) == medianBucket
            // Get a view of the target bucket
            val view = s.view filter insideMedianBucket
            // If all numbers in the bucket are equal, return that
            if (view forall (view.head ==)) view.head
            // Otherwise, recurse on that bucket
            else medianHistogram(view, newDiscarded, medianIndex)
        medianHistogram(s, 0, (s.size - 1) / 2)

    Test and Benchmark

    To test the algorithms, I'm using Scalacheck, and comparing the output of each algorithm to the output of a trivial implementation with sorting. That assumes the sorting version is correct, of course.

    I'm benchmarking each of the above algorithms with all provided pivot selections, plus a fixed pivot selection (halfway the array, round down). Each algorithm is tested with three different input array sizes, and for three times against each one.

    Here's the testing code:

    import org.scalacheck.{Prop, Pretty, Test}
    import Prop._
    import Pretty._
    def test(algorithm: Array[Double] => Double, 
             reference: Array[Double] => Double): String = {
        def prettyPrintArray(arr: Array[Double]) = arr mkString ("Array(", ", ", ")")
        val resultEqualsReference = forAll { (arr: Array[Double]) => 
            arr.nonEmpty ==> (algorithm(arr) == reference(arr)) :| prettyPrintArray(arr)
        Test.check(Test.Params(), resultEqualsReference)(Pretty.Params(verbosity = 0))
    import java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis
    def bench[A](n: Int)(body: => A): Long = {
      val start = currentTimeMillis()
      1 to n foreach { _ => body }
      currentTimeMillis() - start
    import scala.util.Random.nextDouble
    def benchmark(algorithm: Array[Double] => Double,
                  arraySizes: List[Int]): List[Iterable[Long]] = 
        for (size <- arraySizes)
        yield for (iteration <- 1 to 3)
            yield bench(50000)(algorithm(Array.fill(size)(nextDouble)))
    def testAndBenchmark: String = {
        val immutablePivotSelection: List[(String, Array[Double] => Double)] = List(
            "Random Pivot"      -> chooseRandomPivot,
            "Median of Medians" -> medianOfMedians,
            "Midpoint"          -> ((arr: Array[Double]) => arr((arr.size - 1) / 2))
        val inPlacePivotSelection: List[(String, ArrayView => Double)] = List(
            "Random Pivot (in-place)" -> chooseRandomPivotInPlace,
            "Midpoint (in-place)"     -> ((arr: ArrayView) => arr((arr.size - 1) / 2))
        val immutableAlgorithms = for ((name, pivotSelection) <- immutablePivotSelection)
            yield name -> (findMedian(_: Array[Double])(pivotSelection))
        val inPlaceAlgorithms = for ((name, pivotSelection) <- inPlacePivotSelection)
            yield name -> (findMedianInPlace(_: Array[Double])(pivotSelection))
        val histogramAlgorithm = "Histogram" -> ((arr: Array[Double]) => findMedianHistogram(arr))
        val sortingAlgorithm = "Sorting" -> ((arr: Array[Double]) => arr.sorted.apply((arr.size - 1) / 2))
        val algorithms = sortingAlgorithm :: histogramAlgorithm :: immutableAlgorithms ::: inPlaceAlgorithms
        val formattingString = "%%-%ds  %%s" format (algorithms map (_._1.length) max)
        // Tests
        val testResults = for ((name, algorithm) <- algorithms)
            yield formattingString format (name, test(algorithm, sortingAlgorithm._2))
        // Benchmarks
        val arraySizes = List(100, 500, 1000)
        def formatResults(results: List[Long]) = results map ("%8d" format _) mkString
        val benchmarkResults: List[String] = for {
            (name, algorithm) <- algorithms
            results <- benchmark(algorithm, arraySizes).transpose
        } yield formattingString format (name, formatResults(results))
        val header = formattingString format ("Algorithm", formatResults(
        "Tests" :: "*****" :: testResults ::: 
        ("" :: "Benchmark" :: "*********" :: header :: benchmarkResults) mkString ("", "\n", "\n")



    Sorting                OK, passed 100 tests.
    Histogram              OK, passed 100 tests.
    Random Pivot           OK, passed 100 tests.
    Median of Medians      OK, passed 100 tests.
    Midpoint               OK, passed 100 tests.
    Random Pivot (in-place)OK, passed 100 tests.
    Midpoint (in-place)    OK, passed 100 tests.


    Algorithm                   100     500    1000
    Sorting                    1038    6230   14034
    Sorting                    1037    6223   13777
    Sorting                    1039    6220   13785
    Histogram                  2918   11065   21590
    Histogram                  2596   11046   21486
    Histogram                  2592   11044   21606
    Random Pivot                904    4330    8622
    Random Pivot                902    4323    8815
    Random Pivot                896    4348    8767
    Median of Medians          3591   16857   33307
    Median of Medians          3530   16872   33321
    Median of Medians          3517   16793   33358
    Midpoint                   1003    4672    9236
    Midpoint                   1010    4755    9157
    Midpoint                   1017    4663    9166
    Random Pivot (in-place)     392    1746    3430
    Random Pivot (in-place)     386    1747    3424
    Random Pivot (in-place)     386    1751    3431
    Midpoint (in-place)         378    1735    3405
    Midpoint (in-place)         377    1740    3408
    Midpoint (in-place)         375    1736    3408


    All algorithms (except the sorting version) have results that are compatible with average linear time complexity.

    The median of medians, which guarantees linear time complexity in the worst case is much slower than the random pivot.

    The fixed pivot selection is slightly worse than random pivot, but may have much worse performance on non-random inputs.

    The in-place version is about 230% ~ 250% faster, but further tests (not shown) seem to indicate this advantage grows with the size of the array.

    I was very surprised by the histogram algorithm. It displayed linear time complexity average, and it's also 33% faster than the median of medians. However, the input is random. The worst case is quadratic -- I saw some examples of it while I was debugging the code.