I am building app that allows people to post pictures and videos, mainly trying to learn about ionic, cordova, android, and the like, but for some reason whenever I try to open a file using the cordova File plugin, it doesn't ask the user permission to access storage, and the code fails and the user is stuck on a loading screen. The code is pretty simple, they take a video, it gets transcoded, then the transcoded file is uploaded to a firebase storage bucket. If I quit the app, go to settings->apps->my app->permissions and then manually turn on the storage permission, it works. The problem is, I need to ask the user for permission either at run time or on install, and it doesn't. Here is the code..
this.media.captureVideo().then(file => {
fileUri: file[0].fullPath,
outputFileType: this.editor.OutputFileType.MPEG4,
outputFileName: 'temp_test',
saveToLibrary: false,
height: 800,
width: 800,
maintainAspectRatio: false
}).then(fileUri => {
let pathIndex = fileUri.lastIndexOf('/'),
finalPath = 'file://' + fileUri.substr(0, pathIndex),
name = fileUri.substr(pathIndex + 1, fileUri.length);
this.file.readAsArrayBuffer(finalPath, name).then(file => {
}).catch(err => { console.log(err); });
However, this only works if I open up the settings on my phone, go to apps, then my app, then permissions, then enable storage manually. Is there some way to request the permission in ionic? I have searched and searched and all the answers I can find are specific to camera, or work in Java, but ionic isn't java. Thank you.
Effectively cordova-plugin-media-capture uses cordova-plugin-file, so the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission must be programatically asked.
Ionic offers native support for Android Permissions:
.then(status => {
if (status.hasPermission) {
} else {
.then(status =>{
if(status.hasPermission) this.captureVideo();
Hope it helps.