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Defining the predecessor function (with pred 0 = 0) for the natural numbers in Lean

I'm learning the Lean proof assistant. An exercise in is to define the predecessor function for the natural numbers. Can someone help me with that?


  • You are probably familiar with pattern-matching from Lean or some functional programming language, so here is a solution that uses this mechanism:

    open nat
    definition pred : ℕ → ℕ
    | zero     := zero
    | (succ n) := n

    Another way of doing this is using a recursor like so:

    def pred (n : ℕ) : ℕ :=
      nat.rec_on n 0 (λ p _, p)

    Here, 0 is what we return if the argument is zero and (λ p _, p) is an anonymous function that takes two arguments: the predecessor (p) of n and the result of recursive call pred p. The anonymous function ignores the second argument and returns the predecessor.