I have a php page that will fill value to parameter on the URL.
ie: you must set the years, choose the country, and choose the product code.
In the report studio, I have set the required values for the years only. The other values are optional.
What I have learned about passing parameters through URL is simple.
http://server:port/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi?b_action=cognosViewer&run.outputFormat=HTML&ui.object=storeID("put my StoreID here")&ui.action=run&cv.header=false&cv.toolbar=false&run.prompt=false&p_year1=2016&p_year2=2017&p_others_parameter=param_values&CAMUsername=public&CAMPassword=public
The value is placed as expected. The store ID is directing me to the right report.
My problem is why the prompt page is still appear?
Is there a properties that I need to set again?
Thanks to Johnsonium, I came to this conclusion.
I have some parameter, they are p_year, p_country, and so on in my cognos report studio..
Reffering to this link How do you pass parameter values to reports inside a Cognos Workspace dashboard via URL?
I have realize, that p_ is a must in the URL.
For my problem, I have set the parameter names as I mentioned above.
And why the prompt page still appear?, because the cognos can't catch all the expected parameters.
And why the cognos can't catch all the expected parameters?, because I miss to put p_ in my URL.
So how to solve my problem is to put p_ in my URL before my parameter name.
p_p_year instead just p_year