I am learning phoenix and ecto associations but I have stumbled upon a problem I can't seem to solve while trying to preload nested associations. I have 3 schemas
Offer that has
schema "offers" do
has_one :albumMariageSmall, Album, on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete
has_one :prewedding, Prewedding, on_delete: :delete_all,
on_replace: :delete
has_one :next_day, Prewedding, on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete
Now, the Prewedding looks like
schema "preweddings" do
has_one :album, Album, on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete
and the album looks like
schema "albums" do
belongs_to :offer, Offer
belongs_to :prewedding, Prewedding
In other words, an offer can have an Album and two Prewedding which Prewedding can have an Album.
Database wise, the :preweddings is referencing the offer through offer_id and the :albums references the offers through offer_id and the preweddings through prewedding_id.
I have trouble loading any saved offer as both :prewedding and :next_day seem point to the same row when I am inspecting.
I am trying to preload using
offer=Repo.one from(o in Offer, preload: [{:prewedding, [:album]},{:next_day, [:album]}], select: o, where: o.id==^id)
I assume I can make it work with joins, but i am stubborn enough to want to do preload.
Can someone assist?
Migration of preweddings is just this
add :included, :boolean, default: false, null: false
add :offer_id, references(:offers)
Album has
add :offer_id, references(:offers)
add :prewedding_id, references(:preweddings)
By default, when using has_one
, the foreign key is inferred from the name of the current table, e.g. offers
-> offer_id
. Since you have two has_one
and you don't specify a custom foreign key for either, both will use offer_id
as the foreign key and will therefore always have the same value. You'll need to specify the correct foreign keys to the two has_one
. For example, if your preweddings
table has this migration:
add :offer_prewedding_id, references(:offers)
add :offer_next_day_id, references(:offers)
You need to do:
has_one :prewedding, Prewedding, on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete, foreign_key: :offer_prewedding_id
has_one :next_day, Prewedding, on_delete: :delete_all, on_replace: :delete, foreign_key: :offer_next_day_id