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How can I see output from a Brython script on the page? Why doesn't `print` work?

I try to use Brython. I have a Python script ( and I would like to display the result of this script in the browser.

I have tried :

<script src="brython.js"></script>
<body onload="brython()">
<script type="text/python" src=""></script>

and my script is :

x = int(input("Value: "))
x = pow(x,2)
print("Result: " + str(x))

Unfortunately, I cannot display the result in the browser. Is there something missing ?


  • In Brython, print displays in the browser console.

    If you want to write the result in the HTML document:

    from browser import document
    x = int(input("Value: "))
    x = pow(x, 2)
    document <= "Result: " + str(x)

    [edit] Another option is to set sys.stdout to an object with a write() method, for instance document in module browser :

    from browser import document
    import sys
    sys.stdout = document
    print("Hello", "world !")