Search code examples

How to get rows matching a condition using a hierarchical query

Consider the following query from Oracle documentation

SELECT employee_id, last_name, manager_id
   FROM employees
   CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id;

EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME                        MANAGER_ID

    101     Kochhar                          100
    108     Greenberg                        101
    109     Faviet                           108
    110     Chen                             108
    111     Sciarra                          108
    112     Urman                            108
    113     Popp                             108
    200     Whalen                           101

I want to filter this tree to get employees only with a letter 'a' in a last name. I could use WHERE clause, but the thing is I don't want to get only the rows that do match condition, but also their parents event if they DON'T, i.e I don't want to break a tree. According documentation Oracle evaluates the condition for each row individually. For example if I use WHERE clause I get rows with ids 101, 109, 111, 112, 200. But I want to get 101, 108, 109, 111, 112, 200. How can I filter the tree without breaking it?


  • As one of the approaches, you can start traversing the tree from the bottom up - you find an employee with an a in his/her name and go up the tree:

    Distinct clause is there to get rid of duplicate parents and we need second connect by clause to turn the tree upside down.

     -- sample of data from your question
       select 101, 'Kochhar'   ,  100 from dual union all
       select 108, 'Greenberg' ,  101 from dual union all
       select 109, 'Faviet'    ,  108 from dual union all
       select 110, 'Chen'      ,  108 from dual union all
       select 111, 'Sciarra'   ,  108 from dual union all
       select 112, 'Urman'     ,  108 from dual union all
       select 113, 'Popp'      ,  108 from dual union all
       select 200, 'Whalen'    ,  101 from dual
    -- actual query 
    select employee_id
          , manager_id
          , concat(lpad('-', 3*level, '-'), last_name) as last_name
      from (
            -- using distinct to get rid of duplicate parents 
            select distinct last_name 
                  , employee_id
                  , manager_id
              from t1
              start with last_name like '%a%'
             connect by   employee_id  =  prior manager_id 
         ) q
       start with manager_id = 100
     connect by prior employee_id = manager_id


    ----------- ---------- --------------------
            101        100 ---Kochhar          
            108        101 ------Greenberg     
            109        108 ---------Faviet     
            111        108 ---------Sciarra    
            112        108 ---------Urman      
            200        101 ------Whalen        
    6 rows selected.