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Unit testing a REST API in Java and Spring

I have a simple Java Spring REST API application and i don't know how can i unit test it. I have read the documentations of JUnit and Mockito, but i couldn't figure it out.

Here is the post method in the StudentController class

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public void insertStudent(@RequestBody Student student){

And here is the insertStudent method in the StudentService class

public void insertStudent(Student student) {

I use MySQL for database. Should i use database too for unit test? I mean i don't want any integration test. I want only unit test. I use supertest in Node.js and it takes care for all, can i do that with JUnit or Mockito too?


  • If you want to do unit testing then you would not have to connect to the DB. Connecting to DB's and other external services would be considered integration testing. So the request to the DB would be mocked out when testing your StudentService class.

    Second point worth mentioning is that you would test your controller class and you service class separately, but in your case those tests would look very similar.

    Below is one way you can test your controller's insertStrundent method.

    public class TestStudentContoller {
        StundentService mockStudentService;
        StudentController studentController = new StudentController();
        public void testInsertStudent(){
            Student student = new Student();
            verify(studentService, times(1)).insertStudent(student);

    Since you controller's insertStudent method has no if statements and only one branch, there is basically only one test that needs to be performed, basically does the controller call the service.

    Another way it can be tested is with Springs MockMvc. The good thing about the MockMvc is that it lets you test the HTTP request. For example in this case you would want to test that your controller's insertStudent method will properly respond to HTTP POST requests with a JSON Student.

    public class TestStudentContoller {
        StundentService mockStudentService;
        StudentController studentController = new StudentController();
        MockMvc mockMvc;
        public void setup(){
            mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standAloneSetup(studentController).build();
        public void testInsertStudent(){
                .andExpect(content().string("{}"));//put json student in here
            verify(studentService, times(1)).insertStudent(student);

    MockMvc has other cool methods you should explore.