This is my code which I use for load image
public class DisplayImageOption {
public static DisplayImageOptions getDisplayImage() {
// .displayer(new RoundedBitmapDisplayer(0))
return new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
public static DisplayImageOptions getDisplayRoundedImage() {
return new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
.displayer(new RoundedBitmapDisplayer(100)).build();
ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(url, imageView, DisplayImageOption.getDisplayImage());
In your ImageLoaderConfiguration
add diskCache
File cacheDir = StorageUtils.getCacheDirectory(context);
long cacheAge = 10L;
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(context)
.diskCache(new LimitedAgeDiscCache(cacheDir, cacheAge)) // this will make the cache to remain for 10 seconds only
Then set it on ImageLoader
and display image with your DisplayImageOption
ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(url, imageView, DisplayImageOption.getDisplayImage());
What it does? Taken from Android-Universal-Image-Loader
LimitedAgeDiscCache (Size-unlimited cache with limited files' lifetime. If age of cached file exceeds defined limit then it will be deleted from cache.)
And this piece of code is from Android-Universal-Image-Loader's
* @param cacheDir Directory for file caching
* @param maxAge Max file age (in seconds). If file age will exceed this value then it'll be removed on next
* treatment (and therefore be reloaded).
public LimitedAgeDiskCache(File cacheDir, long maxAge) {
this(cacheDir, null, DefaultConfigurationFactory.createFileNameGenerator(), maxAge);
You may like this approach as well.