by click on some button - an intent for selecting txt file is created:
Intent intent = new Intent()
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select a TXT file"), 123);
And it works OK - I select txt file from root folder on phone internal memory --- /storage/emulated/0/kote.txt
But when I try to read data from it, I get FileNotFoundException:
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
if(requestCode==123 && resultCode==RESULT_OK) {
Uri selectedfile_uri = intent.getData();
Log.e("TAG7", "selectedfile_uri --- " + selectedfile_uri );
File myFile_test1 = new File(selectedfile_uri.getPath());
Log.e("TAG7", myFile_test1.getPath() + " .exists() "+myFile_test1.exists());
File myFile_test2 = new File(selectedfile_uri.getEncodedPath());
Log.e("TAG7", myFile_test2.getPath() + " .exists() "+myFile_test2.exists());
function_read_txt_file(myFile_test1); //returns FileNotFoundException
function_read_txt_file(myFile_test2); //returns FileNotFoundException
E/TAG7: selectedfile_uri --- content://
E/TAG7: /document/primary:kote.txt .exists() false
E/TAG7: /document/primary%3Akote.txt .exists() false
E/TAG7: FileNotFoundException
What I'm missing here? cheers
may not have the directly accessible path to your file. You should open the file by opening the InputStream
from the Uri
Uri selectedfile_uri = intent.getData();
InputStream inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream()