I am trying to test elastic search with the following instruction:
When I try the above and upload the following text which is also in the instruction:
"index": {
"_index": "movies",
"_type": "listings",
"_id": "2"
} {
"director": "Frankenheimer, John",
"genre": ["Drama", "Mystery", "Thriller"],
"year": 1962,
"actor": ["Lansbury, Angela", "Sinatra, Frank", "Leigh, Janet", "Harvey, Laurence", "Silva, Henry", "Frees, Paul", "Gregory, James", "Bissell, Whit", "McGiver, John", "Parrish, Leslie", "Edwards, James", "Flowers, Bess", "Dhiegh, Khigh", "Payne, Julie", "Kleeb, Helen", "Gray, Joe", "Nalder, Reggie", "Stevens, Bert", "Masters, Michael", "Lowell, Tom"],
"title": "The Manchurian Candidate"
} {
"index": {
"_index": "movies",
"_type": "listings",
"_id": "3"
} {
"director": "Baird, Stuart",
"genre": ["Action", "Crime", "Thriller"],
"year": 1998,
"actor": ["Downey Jr., Robert", "Jones, Tommy Lee", "Snipes, Wesley", "Pantoliano, Joe", "Jacob, Ir\u00e8ne", "Nelligan, Kate", "Roebuck, Daniel", "Malahide, Patrick", "Richardson, LaTanya", "Wood, Tom", "Kosik, Thomas", "Stellate, Nick", "Minkoff, Robert", "Brown, Spitfire", "Foster, Reese", "Spielbauer, Bruce", "Mukherji, Kevin", "Cray, Ed", "Fordham, David", "Jett, Charlie"],
"title": "U.S. Marshals"
} {
"index": {
"_index": "movies",
"_type": "listings",
"_id": "4"
} {
"director": "Ray, Nicholas",
"genre": ["Drama", "Romance"],
"year": 1955,
"actor": ["Hopper, Dennis", "Wood, Natalie", "Dean, James", "Mineo, Sal", "Backus, Jim", "Platt, Edward", "Ray, Nicholas", "Hopper, William", "Allen, Corey", "Birch, Paul", "Hudson, Rochelle", "Doran, Ann", "Hicks, Chuck", "Leigh, Nelson", "Williams, Robert", "Wessel, Dick", "Bryar, Paul", "Sessions, Almira", "McMahon, David", "Peters Jr., House"],
"title": "Rebel Without a Cause"
After when I use this command :
curl -XGET 'search-movies-4f3nw7eiia2xiynjr55a2nao2y.us-west-1.es.amazonaws.com/movies/_search?q=Frankenheimer'
I never get anything back. always returns 0. Here is what I get back:
I am not if I am doing it right but I think I should be able to see at least something because I have Frankenheimer in the director key of the json data uploaded. Can anyone shed light on it?
Try searching the whole index with curl -XGET search-movies-4f3nw7eiia2xiynjr55a2nao2y.us-west-1.es.amazonaws.com/movies/_search
which will return the first 10 results by default. If it returns less than 10, the data is likely not in the index.
You can verify that by changing the query to:
curl -XGET search-movies-4f3nw7eiia2xiynjr55a2nao2y.us-west-1.es.amazonaws.com/movies/_search?q=director:Burton
Check out the Elasticsearch URI Search for the complete list of the parameters.