How to evaluate AST with better performance? Currently we create AST as tree where leaf nodes (terminals) are functions of one argument - map of keywords and their values. Terminals are represented with keywords, and functions (non-terminals) can be user (or clojure) defined functions. Full growth method creates tree from non-terminals and terminals:
(defn full-growth
"Creates individual by full growth method: root and intermediate nodes are
randomly selected from non-terminals Ns,
leaves at depth depth are randomly selected from terminals Ts"
[Ns Ts arity-fn depth]
(if (<= depth 0)
(rand-nth Ts)
(let [n (rand-nth Ns)]
(cons n (repeatedly (arity-fn n) #(full-growth Ns Ts arity-fn(dec depth)))))))
Example of generated AST:
=> (def ast (full-growth [+ *] [:x] {+ 2, * 2} 3))
=> ast
(#object[clojure.core$_STAR_ 0x6fc90beb "clojure.core$_STAR_@6fc90beb"]
(#object[clojure.core$_STAR_ 0x6fc90beb "clojure.core$_STAR_@6fc90beb"]
(#object[clojure.core$_STAR_ 0x6fc90beb "clojure.core$_STAR_@6fc90beb"]
(#object[clojure.core$_PLUS_ 0x1b00ba1a "clojure.core$_PLUS_@1b00ba1a"]
(#object[clojure.core$_PLUS_ 0x1b00ba1a "clojure.core$_PLUS_@1b00ba1a"]
(#object[clojure.core$_PLUS_ 0x1b00ba1a "clojure.core$_PLUS_@1b00ba1a"]
(#object[clojure.core$_PLUS_ 0x1b00ba1a "clojure.core$_PLUS_@1b00ba1a"]
, which is equivalent to
`(~* (~* (~* ~:x ~:x) (~+ ~:x ~:x)) (~+ (~+ ~:x ~:x) (~+ ~:x ~:x)))
(def ast `(~* (~* (~* ~:x ~:x) (~+ ~:x ~:x)) (~+ (~+ ~:x ~:x) (~+ ~:x ~:x))))
We can write fn which directly evaluates this AST as:
(defn ast-fn
[{x :x}]
(* (* (* x x) (+ x x)) (+ (+ x x) (+ x x))))
=> (ast-fn {:x 3})
We have two methods for creating function based on AST, one with help of apply and map, and the other with help of comp and juxt:
(defn tree-apply
"((+ :x :x) in) => (apply + [(:x in) (:x in))]"
([tree] (fn [in] (tree-apply tree in)))
([tree in]
(if (sequential? tree)
(apply (first tree) (map #(tree-apply % in) (rest tree)))
(tree in))))
=> (defn tree-comp
"(+ :x :x) => (comp (partial apply +) (juxt :x :x))"
(if (sequential? tree)
(comp (partial apply (first tree)) (apply juxt (map tree-comp (rest tree))))
=> ((tree-apply ast) {:x 3})
=> ((tree-comp ast) {:x 3})
With timing fn we measure time for executing functions over test cases:
=> (defn timing
[f interval]
(let [values (into [] (map (fn[x] {:x x})) interval)]
(time (into [] (map f) values)))
=> (timing ast-fn (range -10 10 0.0001))
"Elapsed time: 37.184583 msecs"
=> (timing (tree-comp ast) (range -10 10 0.0001))
"Elapsed time: 328.961435 msecs"
=> (timing (tree-apply ast) (range -10 10 0.0001))
"Elapsed time: 829.483138 msecs"
As you can see there is huge difference in performance between direct function (ast-fn), tree-comp generated function and tree-apply generated function.
Is there some better way?
Edit: madstap's answer looks quite promising. I made some modifications on his solution (terminals could be also some other functions, not just keyword, like constant function which constantly returns value, regardless of input):
(defn c [v] (fn [_] v))
(def c1 (c 1))
(defmacro full-growth-macro
"Creates individual by full growth method: root and intermediate nodes are
randomly selected from non-terminals Ns,
leaves at depth depth are randomly selected from terminals Ts"
[Ns Ts arity-fn depth]
(let [tree (full-growth Ns Ts arity-fn depth)
val-map (gensym)
ast2f (fn ast2f [ast] (if (sequential? ast)
(list* (first ast) (map #(ast2f %1) (rest ast)))
(list ast val-map)))
new-tree (ast2f tree)]
`{:ast '~tree
:fn (fn [~val-map] ~new-tree)}))
Now, creating ast-m (with use of constant c1 as terminal) and associated ast-m-fn:
=> (def ast-m (full-growth-macro [+ *] [:x c1] {+ 2 * 2} 3))
=> ast-m
#object[gpr.symb_reg$fn__20851 0x31802c12 "gpr.symb_reg$fn__20851@31802c12"],
(* (+ :x :x) (+ :x c1))
(* (* c1 c1) (* :x c1)))}
=> (defn ast-m-fn
[{x :x}]
(* (+ x x) (+ x 1))
(* (* 1 1) (* x 1))))
Timing looks very similar:
=> (timing (:fn ast-m) (range -10 10 0.0001))
"Elapsed time: 58.478611 msecs"
=> (timing (:fn ast-m) (range -10 10 0.0001))
"Elapsed time: 53.495922 msecs"
=> (timing ast-m-fn (range -10 10 0.0001))
"Elapsed time: 74.412357 msecs"
=> (timing ast-m-fn (range -10 10 0.0001))
"Elapsed time: 59.556227 msecs"
Use a macro to write the equivalent of ast-fn
(ns foo.core
[clojure.walk :as walk]))
(defmacro ast-macro [tree]
(let [val-map (gensym)
new-tree (walk/postwalk (fn [x]
(if (keyword? x)
(list val-map x)
(eval tree))]
`(fn [~val-map] ~new-tree)))
On my machine this comes close to the perf of ast-fn
. 45 msecs to 50 msecs. It does more lookups, but that can be fixed with some extra tinkering.
I thought some more about this. eval
ing the argument at macroexpansion time will limit how you can use this (the argument can't be a local). Making full-growth
a macro could work better. Like amalloy says, it's all about what you want to do at runtime vs macroexpansion time.
(defmacro full-growth-macro
"Creates individual by full growth method: root and intermediate nodes are
randomly selected from non-terminals Ns,
leaves at depth depth are randomly selected from terminals Ts"
[Ns Ts arity-fn depth]
(let [tree (full-growth Ns Ts arity-fn depth)
val-map (gensym)
new-tree (walk/postwalk (fn [x]
(if (keyword? x)
(list val-map x)
`{:ast '~tree
:fn (fn [~val-map] ~new-tree)}))