I am not sure if I am understanding the raw output of dds esp
or its 64-bit counterpart dqs rsp
properly. When I see a list of entries in the stack, I tend to assume that wherever I see return addresses, those are calls made by code that have not returned yet. IOW, stringing them together should form a nice call stack. (let's not bother with k*
group of Windbg commands for now.) Is that not the case always?
Because there are some third party extensions, that operate on the esp/rsp output and strings together the entries into something that appear to look like a call stack but I can't seem to match that order with what I see in the source (well, whatever source I have.) There are even entries of functions that have returned long ago.
What am I missing?
OK -- the third party extension I use does say:
Dumps (dps) from the stack limit the base only showing items that include the ! followed by +0x
So, the question then becomes what is that entry? I thought it was the return address of some function that is fixing to make a call into another function?
means dump dwords (32 bit) and interpret the result as a symbol. Similar for dqs
(quad word, 64 bit) and dps
(pointer-size, matching the architecture).
If you read that again, you'll find the term symbol as the abbreviation, not stack. Any number which happens to be in memory will be interpreted as a symbol, if possible. That may be a method call on the stack. And it may also be a local variable which accidentally has a value matching a symbol.
Those local variables are probably not counter variables like i
and j
but maybe float
or double
data type, which are hard to predict how they look like in memory. Also, struct
s might have a layout that results in an in-memory representation that looks like a symbol.
The extension you mention seems to do a simple dps
and filter lines which do not have a symbol associated.
Still, dps
is helpful in cases of stack corruption, although you need to have a good understanding of what your application does, i.e. which symbols can be on the call stack and which symbols cannot be there.