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Reshape intermediate layer in Keras

I have an issue to reshape an intermediate layer after a Convolution1D layer. The output of the convolution layer is (None, 15, 30) and I want to reshape it into (None, 15, 30, 1). Here the piece of code:

model = Sequential()
model.add(Reshape((-1, 15), input_shape=(3, 5)))
model.add(Embedding(20, 30, input_length=5,
model.add(Conv1D(30, 3, padding='same', activation='tanh'))
model.add(Reshape((15, 30, 1)))

And when I run this model I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 98, in <module>
    model_char.add(Reshape((15, 30, 1)))
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/sites-packages/keras/" line 475, in add
    output_tensor = layer(self.outputs[0])
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/engine/", line 602, in __call__
    output =, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/layers/", line 391, in call
    target_shape = self.compute_output_shape(input_shape)[1:]
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/layers/", line 376, in compute_output_shape
    input_shape[1:], self.target_shape)
  File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/layers/", line 367, in _fix_unknown_dimension
    raise ValueError(msg)
ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged

I don't understand why I get this error because the shape has still the same number: 15*30 = 15*30*1

To make it clearer here an example, I want to turn this:

    [0.09311153 -0.05404745 0.50606126 -0.53520441 0.41794425 0.25171867 0.37156609 -0.26078582 -0.52433187 0.30997691 -0.95317268 0.94261593 0.56365687 0.21063149 0.13678613 0.52069747 -1.2293686 0.21358994 0.026743541 -0.69850469 0.0955583 -0.74581879 0.087773092 0.32595187 0.36514446 -0.49256474 0.053979304 -0.20099731 -0.71489674 0.36982241]
    [-0.37371859 1.3228136 -1.7292237 0.29752117 0.24284564 -0.052321397 0.029835917 -0.80207682 0.890297 -0.73524159 -0.34133136 -0.35529694 -0.68623751 0.135149 0.66752154 -1.0757091 1.8932092 0.69630879 -0.0077456506 0.569112 -0.23351294 0.45924008 0.66961372 0.27655622 -1.4171039 -1.0308323 -0.012516789 0.23766349 0.23518381 -1.0214807]
    [0.18247549 -0.78545868 -0.29058188 0.310718 0.62216043 0.91871214 0.88818812 0.98373055 -0.24269108 -0.90911531 0.4302102 -1.5717789 0.47344795 0.023262642 -0.66633916 0.020208906 0.23528977 0.007890353 -0.96216047 1.5474852 0.64963603 -0.61376446 -0.7431891 -0.9098407 -1.178241 0.029418966 -0.36299181 -0.18588017 -0.69983339 -1.2403098]
    [-0.13907124 0.77455968 0.39949748 0.788373 -0.72379655 0.47056541 -0.10293989 -0.15979311 -0.13747469 0.49540848 1.3849578 -1.3091069 -1.5117174 0.10640619 -0.27224991 0.091859169 0.67863154 0.8041755 -0.950194 -0.56718034 -0.55053443 -0.31328604 -0.50172609 0.54067135 0.89353716 0.2819832 -1.4124448 -0.992626 0.27674574 -0.80656594]
    [0.56941384 -0.52307433 -0.0014557609 -0.66424996 -0.1377265 -0.18622889 -0.27893946 -0.66485214 0.12398232 0.71157557 -0.052687954 -0.41807997 -0.86772496 -0.29088372 0.077019915 -0.1309973 -0.52031749 0.064666867 0.66582745 -0.38266385 0.11579557 -0.65265769 -0.92624879 0.30905446 0.2472447 -0.10585186 -0.4744457 -1.0572212 0.25316724 -0.56545675]
    [-0.77612084 0.043356732 0.13998967 -0.19222628 0.03896746 0.2462908 -0.8805331 -0.98223174 -0.34058484 0.20567864 0.72753137 -0.33709928 -0.83310735 0.028127206 -0.49332875 0.37826887 0.5161047 -0.49551058 -1.2524649 0.62712663 -0.68346339 -0.53607458 -0.51002711 -0.081255086 0.16448797 0.052351121 -0.4282217 0.025603807 -0.0056298361 -0.70383257]
    [-0.61657017 1.8046215 -0.63392532 -0.14126575 0.2719841 -0.49519449 -0.44583827 -0.63153619 0.36972648 0.07364779 -0.048049126 -0.74233592 0.67249382 1.0938615 -0.95455551 -0.018818242 -0.20023341 -0.0019912687 -0.29854766 -0.79328007 -1.489653 0.26387224 -0.26599407 0.50500441 0.97010094 0.28547913 -0.21993566 -0.32863438 0.55618548 -0.17297709]
    [0.44050878 -0.17070045 -0.15680149 0.16606471 0.26279065 -0.29395095 -0.15396446 -0.47258478 -1.0586354 -0.65733254 -0.18761018 -0.57519519 0.81053412 0.59430808 0.042727698 1.1076951 -0.89282864 -0.027213758 0.96365273 0.40794414 -0.39281371 1.4093404 0.69447654 0.26741418 0.44905421 0.20673333 0.58201146 0.5447579 -0.77610832 0.50347972]
    [0.23904422 1.8198916 -0.32127005 0.19016732 0.34059802 0.23843262 1.1336677 -0.87515587 1.0113547 0.12842716 -0.81049639 -1.4373963 0.49592969 0.73143089 -0.68618989 1.3859445 0.72093153 0.43309888 -1.3210315 0.2054542 0.048558954 -0.53217089 0.20947145 -0.4713847 0.50018942 -0.97975427 -0.16554829 -0.27636209 0.77673912 -0.17956567]
    [0.10899831 1.0184085 -0.38978073 0.30730557 -0.69186461 0.49880576 0.63833827 -0.25505236 0.03314859 0.24156919 1.5816804 -0.43136993 -1.1080316 0.544221 0.029394349 0.37545529 0.045701563 -0.089494362 -0.65665811 -0.023093835 -1.4809865 -0.6045422 -0.32934037 0.52244681 -0.60119945 0.51370251 -0.80937928 0.47565889 0.85675395 1.063754]
    [1.0831649 0.50079244 -0.30921742 -1.0280501 -0.23224308 -0.37653229 1.2576953 -1.2339777 -0.45807734 0.61158192 -0.09404964 -0.39444873 0.73790514 -0.31239685 -0.24413933 -0.567924 0.073173814 -0.64984584 0.64845377 -0.28436229 -1.5736789 -1.0005355 -0.70931745 0.871858 0.890601 0.2609764 -0.198215 -0.29297754 -0.2499871 0.038447738]
    [1.1345748 0.62565184 -0.23180695 -1.0716654 -0.18751761 0.12118033 0.19484697 -1.2859532 0.59767735 0.57796526 -0.85377008 -0.77281773 1.1327845 -0.25830373 -0.43259808 0.41908079 0.023618467 -1.2751251 0.36925897 -0.0098595042 -0.31753924 -0.20560052 -0.43478742 0.97803283 0.38101795 -0.33882758 0.624989 -0.053847663 0.19007191 0.27741989]
    [0.54994547 -0.94156992 -0.45858866 -0.045031343 -1.4409146 0.38791916 0.26716572 -0.5124234 -0.34381375 -0.7497589 -0.18270281 -0.56540006 -0.37611061 0.18021639 0.48165894 0.20478815 0.18975782 -0.61889905 0.7226029 -0.09786211 -0.14823321 -0.52758443 0.35245389 0.1051857 0.027430706 -0.11386452 -0.013007465 0.37519914 -0.941329 -0.70005715]
    [0.39274859 -0.39766663 -0.70382959 -0.42397216 -1.480526 -0.68001819 0.3347947 -0.20469595 0.05962114 0.66365397 -0.77448803 -0.55189139 0.60185546 0.60116309 -0.17462984 0.32057542 -0.20577009 -1.1281829 0.027793719 -0.0533368 0.95331073 -1.3201096 0.15608752 0.056847919 0.39634478 0.1054792 0.50742185 -0.0057650856 0.25442541 0.54575342]
    [0.8295418 0.65716922 0.32987151 -0.51133007 -0.959789 0.32615584 -0.82939672 -0.76657677 -0.5497672 -0.17259806 0.34265092 0.02187328 -0.33412746 -0.24402547 0.22011535 -0.052487958 -0.17772579 -0.066493936 -0.09538275 -0.76245272 -0.14960127 0.3900359 0.38033971 1.2810829 0.35877633 -0.19256417 0.72800469 0.25378975 -0.11317521 0.11448503]

Into that:


Any idea of what is wrong in my piece of code?

Thanks in advance.


  • The problem is the input_length passed to the Embedding layer.

    The output is not (None, 15, 30) as you think, but (None, 5, 30).

    Just remove the input_length.

    Here is the summary of your current model:

    Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
    reshape_3 (Reshape)          (None, 1, 15)             0         
    flatten_2 (Flatten)          (None, 15)                0         
    embedding_2 (Embedding)      (None, 5, 30)             600       
    dropout_2 (Dropout)          (None, 5, 30)             0         
    conv1d_2 (Conv1D)            (None, 5, 30)             2730      