I have run into an issue where I am able to build a c++ hello world in a folder on my desktop but not able to build the same program inside the working copy of an SVN repository.
Here are the details:
Here is what I am running in the windows terminal to build my hello world:
mingw32-make -f Makefile.mak
When I run this line in my 'non-SVN directory', helloWorld.exe builds successfully and I am able to run it. When I run this line in my SVN working copy I get the following error: mingw32-make: *** INTERNAL: readdir: Invalid argument. Stop.
My program is:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;
My makefile is:
g++ helloWorld.cpp -o helloWorld
Another clue might be...
Though I'm not currently editing or building in Visual Studio, it also might be worth noting that I am unable to create Visual Studio projects in the working copy directory. I get the following error:
(and yes, I am able to create projects in other locations successfully)
Some supplementary information:
My directory structure is:
+-- Desktop
| +-- filterSim2_local (working copy directory)
| | +-- .svn
| | +-- make test (this one doesn't work)
| | | +-- helloWorld.cpp
| | | +-- Makefile.mak
| +-- make test (and this one does work)
| | +-- helloWorld.cpp
| | +-- Makefile.mak
Any help or answers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
While not a definitive answer, I was able to solve my problem by checking out a new working copy. Both of my problems with make and VS have been solved. I haven't confirmed this, but I suspect it has to do with a refreshed .svn folder.