we are going to collect usage metrics (meaning customMeasurements via customEvents) from our application via application insights. The data is collected if our (windows) service starts and then on a daily base via a timer.
I Know that app insights is not meant to use for "on premises" software, but we do it anyway ;-)
So we get the data from all the services that are installed at our clients. Each client has a unique id (GUID) which allows us to group by customer. (fyi we don't know which customer is behind this guid, it's just a value for "grouping" by customer)
the event looks like this:
I got 1 and 2 already but have no clue how to sum the max values...
demonstrate what I'm trying to do I added a example in SQL:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[metricData]
[RecId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[customerId] [int],
[metricValue1] [int],
[metricValue2] [int]
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 1234, 1,1)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 1234, 1,2)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 1234, 1,1)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 2345, 6,4)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 2345, 8,7)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 3456, 1,1)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 3456, 1,2)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 3456, 1,1)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[metricData] VALUES ( 4576, 20,30)
select sum(maxVal1),sum(maxVal2) from
select max(metricValue1) as maxVal1, max(metricValue2) as maxVal2 from metricData
group by customerId
) t
Basically the same as also asked here, but for app insights :-) SQL: SUM the MAX values of results returned
Thanks for any hints
I got a solution:
|where name == "usageMetrics"
|extend cn = tostring(customDimensions.["CustomerId"])
|summarize maxValTotal= max(toint(customMeasurements.['metric_Total'])), maxValFree= max(toint(customMeasurements.['metric_Free'])) by cn
|summarize dcount(cn),sum(maxValTotal), sum(maxValFree)
|render barchart kind=unstacked
Hope this helps someone else, as this query language is not so intuitive...
anyway let me know if you have any better solutions to this problem...