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Python: Function return bool and integer tuple

In Python (V2.7), I'm trying to make a ConnectFour game against a computer player. I've worked out a simple function to find 4 in a row (to determine the end of the game) and return TRUE if so, and now I'm trying use the same function to locate any 3 in a rows and return the location.

def finder(matrix, player,number):
    for row in matrix:
            count = 0
            for item in row:
                if item == player:
                    count +=1
                    if count == number:
                        return True
                    count = 0

Where I can enter: finder(board, "X", 4) to know if four in a row is TRUE or still at default FALSE (and this DOES work). Now I want to try something like this:

def finder(matrix, player,number):
    for row in matrix:
            count = 0
            for item in row:
                if item == player:
                    count +=1
                    if count == number:
                        return True
                        location = row, item
                        return location
                    count = 0

However this calls an error that I haven't initialized location, so I then set location = 0, 0. Now it just returns TRUE and the tuple (0,0). How can I get it to give the location of the last element of the 3 in a row?

Edit: I've tried returning the three-tuple: TRUE, row, item. However, the second part in the problem is how do I get the row and col numbers when the function is TRUE? The following code works to realize that there is a threat, but I can't get find a way to obtain the location of a threat given there exists a threat.

if finder(board, "X", 3) is True:
    horizontal_threat = True
    print row, item


  • You could do it by

    for (i, row) in enumerate(matrix):
        for (j, item) in row:
            if (count==number):
               return (i, j)

    However, there are a few things wrong in the current code.

    • you have two return statements. I don't think this is possible to return (0, 0) as it is
    • you count the total number of Xs in the matrix. you don't check if they are in a line