I'm learning python3 on school after having had the basics of C programming. But now i've goten stuck on caesar form cs50. Though without use of the cs50 libraries.
So i've done the following:
print('ciphertext: ')
key = sys.argv[1]
for i in range(len(plain[i])
if ord(plain[i]) > 64 and ord(plain[i]) < 91 or ord(plain[i]) > 96 and
ord(plain[i]) < 123
ciphertext = chr(ord (plain[i]) + key %26)
print('ciphertext: {}'.format(ciphertext))
I get a syntax code on line 6 where ciphertext turned blue. Could someone tell me what i do wrong when i want to get the encrypted text out of this. Above this code i've defined plain.
There are a couple dozen syntax errors in your code Here fixed it for you try reviewing it
import sys
print('ciphertext: ')
key = sys.argv[1]
for i in range(len(plain[i])):
if ord(plain[i]) > 64 and ord(plain[i]) < 91 and ord(plain[i]) > 96 and ord(plain[i]) < 123:
ciphertext = chr(ord (plain[i]) + key %26)
print('ciphertext: {}'.format(ciphertext))