Consider the following function
tryMove : (diskNumber : Nat) -> (from: Peg) -> (to: Peg)-> {default Oh prf: So (from /= to)} -> Disposition diskNumber -> Maybe (Disposition diskNumber)
tryMove Z from to [] = Nothing
tryMove (S k) from to (smallestDiskPosition :: restOfTheDisposition) =
map (smallestDiskPosition ::) (tryMove k from to restOfTheDisposition)
Trying to compile I get the following error:
When checking argument prf to Hanoi.tryMove:
Type mismatch between
So True (Type of Oh)
So (from /= to) (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
not (Hanoi.Peg implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == from to)
on the recurvise invocation of tryMove
If I explicitely pass {prf}
as in
tryMove : (diskNumber : Nat) -> (from: Peg) -> (to: Peg)-> {default Oh prf: So (from /= to)} -> Disposition diskNumber -> Maybe (Disposition diskNumber)
tryMove Z from to [] = Nothing
tryMove (S k) from to {prf} (smallestDiskPosition :: restOfTheDisposition) =
map (smallestDiskPosition ::) (tryMove k from to {prf} restOfTheDisposition)
It compiles correctly.
Why is that that Idris can not detect automatically the proof in the inductive step, while it is able to do it in a normal invocation of the function?
here is a complete gist to use:
You supply the default value (Oh
) for prf
, so Idris is trying to pass Oh
into the recursive call.
has type So True
and Idris expects prf
to be of type So (from /= to)
, but since you don't destruct to
and from
, Idris cannot know the value of from /= to
, that's why you see that error message.
You can change the signature to contain {auto prf: So (from /= to)}
or delete the prf
argument altogether, because you don't actually use it, you just pass it into the recursive call without any modification.