I'm attempting to add a select
within the permission check for a postgres' row level security policy.
I have 2 tables to care about here 1) group 2) group_member
What I want to express is the ability for group owner's to kick a group_member or for a group_member to leave on their own.
Here's my policy:
CREATE POLICY delete_group_member ON public.group FOR DELETE TO hatch_contributor USING (
person_id = current_setting('jwt.claims.person_id')::integer or
SELECT * FROM group WHERE group.id = group_id AND group.person_id = current_setting('jwt.claims.person_id')::integer)
However, I get the following error - syntax error at or near "group"
I suspect, postgres doesn't understand where group_id
is coming from. Maybe's confused about group
in general in this case. My question is, what am I missing here? How can I get this working.
is a keyword in SQL. Don't use it for a table name. If you must use it, you must quote it, e.g.
ON public."group"
WHERE "group".id