func setPostcommentData(postmodel:model1,index: IndexPath) {
btnReply.tag = index.section
lblName.text = postmodel.getFullName()
btnReply.setTitle("Reply", for: UIControlState.normal)
btnCount.setTitle("0", for: UIControlState.normal)
TxtViewComment.text = postmodel.description
lblTime.text = ChatDates.commentTimeData(postmodel.createdDate).dateString
cellComment.setPostcommentData(postmodel: model1,index:indexPath)
cellComment.setPostcommentData(postmodel: model2,index:indexPath)
cellComment.setPostcommentData(postmodel: model3,index:indexPath)
How to write generic function so that it accepts different models and sets data?
If I got the idea right, here is a solution
protocol PostComment {
var value1: String {get}
var value2: String {get}
var value3: String {get}
class PostCommentParent: PostComment {
var value1: String {
return self.myValue1
var value2: String {
return self.myValue2
var value3: String {
return self.myValue3
var myValue1 = "1"
var myValue2 = "2"
var myValue3 = "3"
class PostCommentChild: PostCommentParent {
override var value3: String {
return self.myValue4
var myValue4 = "4"
let myParent = PostCommentParent()
let myChild = PostCommentChild()
func parse(comment: PostComment) {
parse(comment: myChild)
parse(comment: myParent)