i have two Activities (One with a Recyclerview and a DetailsActvity which will be started with startActvityForResult).
Now i want to make an animation like this when i click on a list item.
it would be great if someone can show me an easy way to realize that.
What you are looking for is called makeSceneTransitionAnimation. It is fairly simple to use, you need to have a shared Element on both screens, which has a common XML Tag "transitionName", e.g.
and then start the activity with the makeSceneTransitionAnimation:
Pair<View, String> p1 = Pair.create(clock, "clock");
ActivityOptionsCompat options = ActivityOptionsCompat.
makeSceneTransitionAnimation((Activity) getContext(), p1);
mView.getContext().startActivity(intent, options.toBundle());
Edit: I wrote this before you commented that this is not what you are looking for, though I think you can achieve the shown transition with makeSceneTransitionAnimation.