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Android Material Motion between two activites

i have two Activities (One with a Recyclerview and a DetailsActvity which will be started with startActvityForResult).

Now i want to make an animation like this when i click on a list item.

it would be great if someone can show me an easy way to realize that.


  • What you are looking for is called makeSceneTransitionAnimation. It is fairly simple to use, you need to have a shared Element on both screens, which has a common XML Tag "transitionName", e.g.


    and then start the activity with the makeSceneTransitionAnimation:

                Pair<View, String> p1 = Pair.create(clock, "clock");
                ActivityOptionsCompat options = ActivityOptionsCompat.
                        makeSceneTransitionAnimation((Activity) getContext(), p1);
                mView.getContext().startActivity(intent, options.toBundle());


    Edit: I wrote this before you commented that this is not what you are looking for, though I think you can achieve the shown transition with makeSceneTransitionAnimation.