I have streaming data coming in with IP address. I want to translate the IP to longitude and latitude before putting the data into my database.
This is what I was doing but it is causing some issues. I also tried putting locationObject outside the for loop. That weirdly is using a lot of memory. I know this is blocking code but it should be fast. Though I see memory issue as data object is coming from a stream continuously ans each data object is huge.
for (var i ==0; i < data.length; i++){
if (data.client_ip !== null) {
var locationLookup = maxmind.openSync('./GeoIP2-City.mmdb');
var ip = data.client_ip;
var maxmindObj = locationLookup.get(ip);
locationObject.country = maxmindObj.country.names.en;
locationObject.latitude = maxmindObj.location.latitude;
locationObject.longitude = maxmindObj.location.longitude;
Again trying to put maxmind.openSync('./GeoIP2-City.mmdb'); outside fr loop is causing huge increase in memory.
The Other option is to use nonblocking code
maxmind.open('/path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb', (err, cityLookup) => {
var city = cityLookup.get('');
But I don't think this is a good dea to put this inside a loop.
How can I handle this? I am getting data object every minute
I'm not sure why you think reading the database file for each iteration of the loop would be fast ("blocking code" doesn't equal "fast code"), it's much better to read the database file once and then loop over data
will read the entire database into memory, which is mentioned in the README:
Be careful with sync version! Since mmdb files are quite large (city database is about 100Mb)
blocks whole process while it reads file into buffer.
If you don't have memory to spare, the only other option would be to open the file asynchronously. Again, not inside the loop, but outside of it:
maxmind.open("./GeoIP2-City.mmdb", (err, locationLookup) => {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data.client_ip !== null) {
var ip = data.client_ip;
var maxmindObj = locationLookup.get(ip);
locationObject.country = maxmindObj.country.names.en;
locationObject.latitude = maxmindObj.location.latitude;
locationObject.longitude = maxmindObj.location.longitude;