I'm trying to determine if a set of mesh nodes is currently visible or not. Using pymel and isVisible() works, but it's a huge performance hit.
Looking through the documentation, I found something that would (hopefully) solve my problem, the flag testVisibility
on the Command hide.
According to the documentation the flag command will return a value that tells me if the specified nodes are visible or not.
The problem is, that flag doesn't exist.
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.hide('testsphere', testVisibility = True)
Gives an error
# Error: Invalid flag 'testVisibility'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<maya console>", line 4, in <module>
# TypeError: Invalid flag 'testVisibility' #
Same thing with the shortname of the flag "tv", as well as doing the whole thing in MEL: hide -testVisibility;
The documentation includes this flag since Maya 2016. This is also the Maya version that I am using currently (more specifically, Maya 2016 SP5). Using the built-in link to the python documentation I arrive at the same documentation as I posted above. Looking through the changelog of SP6 doesn't mention anything of it either, so I assume it won't solve my problem.
I tried the same command on Maya 2017 and it works. That won't help me much though because that's not the Maya version that our team uses currently.
I can't contact Autodesk support because I'm not a subscriber (thanks autodesk, great help).
So my questions are:
is there something that I'm missing/that I overlooked? Are these flags only implemented in some kind of super duper developer plugin? Do Maya versions only use the API of the previous versions or something?
You're right. I also tried tv
flag for hide
command and it definitely doesn't work.
Try setter/getter:
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.setAttr("testsphere.visibility", False)
I tested it in Maya 2016/2018.
# Result: False #