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In Azure, how do I deploy functionapp code without using git?

I created a Resource Manager template which has the Resources to run a function app basically using the default template for this purpose and I can manually copy files to my File Storage under sites\wwwroot and when I curl the functionapp it works.

But what I'm wondering is, what is the right way to deploy a bunch of files to update the actual functionapp, but not using git. I can see some examples of how to use git but my problem is that I want to have all my functions in a single repo not a bunch of smaller repos (I want a monorepo).

In Azure you just upload your code in a .gz file to S3 then when creating the lambda you give it a path to the zip. And then later there is a simple API that you can call to push up a new zip and presto.

What is the equivalent API in azure to just give it a zip and have it unpack the files in the right directory?


I managed to figure it out finally, the top answer was essentially right but there were a few extra steps I had to figure out so I'll put those here.

The specific doc on curl is here. My issue thread with the team is here.

The actual curl call I used is this:

$ curl -XPUT --data-binary ""

Notes on this:

  • You must use --data-binary, -d results in a bad payload
  • To create the zip in bash I used: $ zip index.js
  • abc:xyz is the deployment username and password
  • The right path to send is site/wwwroot/hello where hello is the name of the function.

You can set the username and password in the azure portal UI (documented here) but you can also set it with the azure-cli like so:

$ az login
$ az webapp deployment user set --user-name abc --password xyz

And that was the trick, once you've setup the deployment credentials you can use them in basic auth to call the kudu api.


  • Using Rest API to deploy Function App is also allowed in Azure. We could use the following Rest API to do that. We could get more detail info from Kudu REST API. We could get the ftp use and password from publish file, about how to publish file, please refer to another SO thread.

    PUT https://{user}:{password}@{FunctionAppname}{path}  # example path:site/wwwroot