So basically I have several memos in a DB. I need to query through them and only grab each note in the memo that has a date before it. So if I had this for example:
abc def ghi jkl 9/1/17: mno pqr
I would only want to Grab the 9/1/17: mno pqr
Some even have more entries after the first initial date like this:
abc def ghi jkl 9/1/17: mno pqr 9/2/17: stu vwx yz
Which in this case i would need both9/1/17: mno pqr
and 9/2/17: stu vwx yz
Possibly putting each value in a new row like so:
1: 9/1/17: mno pqr
2: 9/2/17: stu vwx yz
This way if it is out of order I can reorder them as needed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
You can use charindex or patindex
Assumptions, 1. Your text will not contain '/' other than in the date 2. Your date will have the separator as '/'
The below query will return the first occurrence of '/' in your string.
SELECT PATINDEX('%/%', yourcolumn)
FROM yourtable
The value returned from the above query - 2 will be the start position of your date. The length of the whole string - the value returned from the above query will be the length of your output.
SELECT susbtring(yourcolumn, PATINDEX('%/%', yourcolumn) -2,
length(yourcolumn)-PATINDEX('%/%', yourcolumn))
FROM yourtable
If you are looking to handle multiple date then you have to use recursive CTE