I've got a nav-bar showing in my flask-bootstrap application by importing flask-nav and using the following:
def mynavbar():
return Navbar(
View('Main', 'index'),
View('Config', 'config'),
View('Help', 'help')
But I can't find for the life of me how to swap the text "MyCompany" for an image, e.g. img/mylogo.png . Can anyone tell me how?
I'm not entirely happy with this as I think the solution should be a lot simpler, but this works:
import dominate
from dominate.tags import img
nav = Nav()
branding = img(src='static/img/myimage.png')
def mynavbar():
return Navbar(
View('Main', 'index'),
View('Config', 'config'),
View('Help', 'help')
The problem with just putting the html string in, for example <img src="myimage.png">
, was that the string was printed rather than being interpreted as an element that should be displayed. The dominate package seems to overcome this.