I have a simple layout: a fixed height TextView with three ImageView objects anchored to the bottom of the view.
How can I programmatically change the height of each of the ImageViews so they vary within some range (10dp, 16dp below the TextView)? Concretely, my activity gets a list of percentages (between 0 and 1) representing how much of that vertical space each of those "bars" should take up.
I've tried the following without success:
// No visible difference
// No change to height, but horizontal constrained was messed up
imgView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParam(imgView.getWidth(), newHeight);
If by "height" you mean the absolute top-to-bottom dimension of the ImageView
, you can do the following to double the height of an ImageView
. You can set the height to the value that you want.
ImageView iv = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView);
ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams lp = (ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams) iv.getLayoutParams();
lp.height = lp.height * 2;
See ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.
But, if by "height" you mean the vertical position of the ImageView
, you can do the following to change the ImageView
's vertical bias (assuming that you are using ConstraintLaytout
ConstraintSet cs = new ConstraintSet();
ConstraintLayout layout = (ConstraintLayout) findViewById(R.id.layout);
cs.setVerticalBias(R.id.imageView, 0.25f);
See setVerticalBias.
There are other ways to move an ImageView
about the layout, but which you use would depend on how your layout is set up.