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OneNote Api - copyToNotebook hanging

The OneNote-Api recently started to hang on this call:{id}/copyToNotebook

Polling the result (as always) now returns the following

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#me/notes/operations/$entity",
    "id": "copy-645387ea-eb06-4a0d-bcde-09d276e4e3d6fe0e14f6-3e53-421e-aa6c-8adcc998a4dd",
    "status": "not started",
    "createdDateTime": "2017-10-04T16:57:45.9599909Z",
    "lastActionDateTime": "2017-10-04T16:57:45.9599909Z"

The lastActionDateTime never updates and the command doesn't complete despite returning the correct 202 code and subsequent 200 codes.

Any help would be appreciated (especially in a live working environment)!


  • You are calling the API correctly - we introduced a problem in our service a couple of days ago. This should be fixed now.

    Thanks for reporting this. Feel free to report anything to us at: