I am adding some functionality to form not created by me. It has loads and loads of buttons and I would like to test if everything works by clicking on the button which executes the code I added. I know the name of this button, but I don't know it's position on the form.
For now I scroll through all components of the form looking for this button. If I miss it in the first lookup, I have to start over. It's tiresome and takes a lot of time.
Is there easy way? Something like "Find component" menu item, which would bring me directly to that button (or label, or anything really).
There is no built-in, comfortable way of locating components on a form (even in Delphi Tokyo). But you can search and select component in the Object Inspector Instance List combo box:
Or perform inremental search in the Structure View's tree:
Or install some 3rd party IDE tool. For example CnWizards toolset has the Locate Components in Designer tool (which is what you're looking for, I guess):