I'm new with working with ASP.net and .ascx, and now I've seen a button that calls a method by 'OnClientClick' So the code looks like this:
<asp:Button Text="Save" OnClick="BtnSave_Click" OnClientClick="isBusy();"/>
Now I want that the method only calls at certain definitions declared in the same .ascx file. And thus I thought that an if-statement inside the ascx would work. So I've already tried attempts like OnClientClick="if(Text.Length <= maxlength) { isBusy(); }
but that caused the line to not respond at all.
Currently I'm wondering if an if-statement in this situation is actually possible.
it is doable. but you need to make sure your js is correct.
in your question, what is Text.Lengh ?
whatever, if you want block the server side postback, then return false in your onclick JS, that will completely mute the postback event
for example
<asp:button runat="server" onclientclick="return false;" />
this button will never post back