I want to plot a series of points, a plane and the intersection points with that plane using gnuplot. In order to do this, I created the following gnuplot script:
set title 'Homogeneous field with plane intersection'
set xlabel 'x'
set ylabel 'y'
set zlabel 'z'
set parametric
splot 'points.txt' with linespoints, 'intersectionPoints.txt' with points
pointtype 7 lc rgb 'red',
60 + 0 * u, u, v
The script produces the following plot:
Everything works fine, however the size of the parametric plane is way too small. How can I get gnuplot to automatically adjust the size of the plane to roughly match the dimensions of the rest of the plot?
You have to set the ranges for the two parameters u
and v
, for example
set urange [-50:250]
set vrange [-20:20]
From help parametric
: " Currently the default range for these parametric variables is [-5:5]. Setting the ranges to something more meaningful is expected.".