I am trying to filter the ICollection but the filter is not getting applied and instead it gives me all records. is there any issue in the predicate ? so there are two methods where the filter is applied on collection. First it filters records for SW_Version and then in the second filter it filters for matching id. basically i am implementing search functionality.
public void Updateswlist()
CRmappings2 = new ObservableCollection<SPFetchCREntity>(crentities.ToList());
AllCRSP = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(CRmappings2);
SearchMU = SelectedSW.SW_Version;
AllCRSP.Filter = obj =>
SPFetchCREntity entity = obj as SPFetchCREntity;
return obj != null && entity.SW_Version == SearchMU.ToString();
2nd Filter
public void searchMUID()
AllCRSP.Filter = obj =>
SPFetchCREntity entity = obj as SPFetchCREntity;
return obj != null && entity.MU_Identifier == Mupass.ToString();
The second filter overwrites the first one. If you want to be able to filter by both properties, you need to include both conditions in your predicate:
public void searchMUID()
string Mupass = "";
AllCRSP.Filter = obj =>
SPFetchCREntity entity = obj as SPFetchCREntity;
return obj != null && entity.SW_Version == SearchMU.ToString() && entity.MU_Identifier == Mupass.ToString();