I am trying to give users the ability to add rows to a form, however I need them to do it programmatically so that the new row contains a checkbox with a macro already assigned to it.
My solution has been to insert a row with an InputBox, which works great.
Dim rowloc As String
rowloc = InputBox("Location to Insert Row", "What row do you want to insert
the new row ABOVE?")
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
But I am having a heck of a time going to column B in that new row and inserting the checkbox. I don't have issues with making a new button in VBA, it's just getting to the other cell that's the issue.
Rows(rowloc).Offset(0, 1).Select
doesn't work either. Any helpful hints or solutions?
Thw Rows(rowloc)
is a Range that includes all the cells in the row rowloc
. If you need to identify a cell in this Range (in this row) then, for example,
Rows(rowloc).Cells(2).Select ' in column 2 ("B")
or, equivalently,
Rows(rowloc).Parent.Cells(rowloc,2).Select ' in column 2 ("B")
ActiveSheet.Cells(rowloc,2).Select ' in column 2 ("B")
' might not be the same worksheet though, depending on your setup