I have imported a data set into Juputer notebook / PySpark to process through EMR, for example:
I want to clean up the data before using it using the filter function. This includes:
Do I need to perform one filter at a time or is there a way to filter the data set (in lambda notation) all in one go?
Or, would it be easier to write a Spark SQL query instead which has many filters in the 'where' clause (but then #3 above is still difficult to write in SQL).
If you read in the documentation, http://spark.apache.org/docs/2.1.0/api/python/pyspark.sql.html#pyspark.sql.DataFrame.filter, it is written that
where() is an alias for filter().
So,you can safely use 'filter' instead of 'where' for multiple conditions too.
EDIT: If you want to filter on many conditions for many columns, I would prefer this method.
from dateutil.parser import parse
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def is_date(string):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def check_date(d):
if is_date(d):
return d
return None
date_udf = F.udf(check_date,StrinType())
def check_fruit(name):
fruits_list #create a list of fruits(can easily find it on google)
#difficult filtering words otherwise
#try checking from what you want, rest will be filtered
if name in fruits_list:
return name
return None
fruit_udf = F.udf(check_fruit,StringType())
def check_cost(value):
mean, std #calculcated beforehand
threshold_upper = mean + (3*std)
threhold_lower = mean - (3*std)
if value > threhold_lower and value < threshold_upper:
return value
return None
cost_udf = F.udf(check_cost,StringType())
#Similarly create store_udf
df = df.select([date_udf(F.col('date')).alias('date'),\
This will result in working on all columns together.