I am using com .dll within my Delphi application. for this I registered my com .dll using regsvr32.exe .dll name command. It registered fine and then i converted this com .dll to type library (.tlb pas file).
So now I am using this .tlb pas file to communicate com object. .tlb file gave me wrapper class for communicate with dll.
This all works fine in my machine because dll registered in my machine. But when i put my application on another machine then it throws error like 'Class not registered'.
How I can registered .dll or perticuler class in another machine. We can not registered .dll as manually as i did on my machine for all machines.
please let me know how I can register .dll or coclass pragmatically.
you can pack com.dll with package installation and in installing progress copy the com.dll file to "C:\Windows\system32" Programmatically
To Register it : ShellExecute(handle, 'open', 'C:\Windows\system\Regsvr32.exe', '/S com.dll', nil, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED);