can't launch UI auto tests on my ipad.
Error - Xamarin.UITest.XDB.Exceptions.DeviceAgentException : Failed to launch DeviceAgent ExitCode: 65
App is installed on device. DeviseAgent installed while trying to run any test.
ios version of ipad 10.3.3 xcode 8.3.3
Packages in appProject:
Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent v 0.20.7
in testProject:
NUnit v 2.6.3
Xamarin.UITest v 2.0.10
Test setup:
app = ConfigureApp
About profiles also looks like everything is ok.
The thing is - test are running on another device (ipad with ios 9.2) and some time ago were running on current device (from time to time). So that should not be problem with ios version compatibility.
Also tryed to delete folder 'xdb';
Any ideas?
To get round this I have to navigate to /Var/Folders/ in here one of the sub folders will contain an xdb folder. Delete this and run tests again and it will work.