how take string from array define as new array, how to code in php
$column = array("id","name","value");
let say found 3 row from mysql
want result to be like this
$id[0] = "1";
$id[1] = "6";
$id[2] = "10";
$name[0] = "a";
$name[1] = "b";
$name[2] = "c";
$value[0] = "bat";
$value[1] = "rat";
$value[2] = "cat";
I want to take string from $column
array define as new array.
how to code it? or if my question is stupid , my please to have suggestion.
thank you.
Answer I made on your previous question:
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
$i = 0;
if ($num > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
foreach($row as $column_name => $column_value) {
$temp_array[$column_name][$i] = $column_value;
foreach ($temp_array as $name => $answer) {
$$name = $answer;