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How to add a callback to actor when it is added to stage?

I have an Actor that add into the stage at certain time. And a computation of value are needed after it is added to stage. Is there a way to add a callback to the Actor after it is added to stage?

Example Code

public class SlotReel extends Table{

    public SlotReel() {

    public void compute(){
        //call after SlootReel is added to stage


Example Stage adding code

stage.addActor(slotReel);// I wish to trigger the compute method in SlotReel after here.


  • Example

    public class Solution {
        // Create interface
        interface Computable {
            void compute();
        // SlotReel implement Computable interface
        static public class SlotReel implements Computable {
            String name;
            public SlotReel(String name) {
       = name;
            // Implement compute method
            public void compute() {
                // call after SlootReel is added to stage
                // Just an example
                System.out.println("Hello " + name);
        static public class Stage {
            List<Computable> list = new ArrayList<>();
            public void addActor(Computable slot) {
                // call compute method
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Stage stage = new Stage();
            stage.addActor(new SlotReel("A"));
            stage.addActor(new SlotReel("B"));
            stage.addActor(new SlotReel("C"));
            stage.addActor(new SlotReel("D"));