I want to order by 'displayName'. Sometimes displayName has all numbers or alphabets. $filter('orderBy') is working fine for alphabets. But numbers are rendering like this.
How can I filter for numbers and alphabets?
vm.temp=[{id:15, displayName:'ff'},
{id:2, displayName:'f'},
{id:10, displayName:'cc'},
{id:3, displayName:'aa'},
{id:5, displayName:'h'},
{id:8, displayName:'y'}]
vm.temp=[{id:15, displayName:'3'},
{id:2, displayName:'2'},
{id:3, displayName:'43'},
{id:5, displayName:'13'},
{id:8, displayName:'1'},
{id:9, displayName:'23'}]
vm.items = $filter('orderBy')(vm.temp, 'displayName');
Add the sorter function:
function sorter(a) {
if(isNaN(parseInt(a.displayName))) {
return a.displayName;
else {
return parseInt(a.displayName);
Update the last line of your code with this:
vm.items = $filter('orderBy')(vm.temp, sorter);