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CloudfFont GetObjectRequest equivalent to download files from S3

I am revising an application to use a private CloudFront rather than straight from S3.

I have been able to create signed URLs and populate picturboxes as needed.

I am unable to find the CloudFront equivalent of the GetObjectRequest...

for (int num = 1; num < 16; num++)

    GetObjectRequest request = new GetObjectRequest
        BucketName = ContainerName,
        Key = tempDownload + @"/" + num + ".jpg"

        //Issue request and remember to dispose of the response
        using (GetObjectResponse response = s3Client.GetObject(request))
          string dest = Path.Combine(newFileFolder, tempDownload + num + ".jpg");
            if (!File.Exists(dest))

I am trying to download files through Cloudfront onto the application user's hard drive.


  • CloudFront does not have an equivalent to GetObject. CloudFront is designed to pull data through the HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

    If the files that you want to download to your user's computer are public, then you can simply access them through the CloudFront distributions http/https URL.

    If the files that you want to download is private, then you'll need to setup an Origin Access Identity to Serve Private Content or use Pre-signed URLs through your CloudFront distributions http/https URL.