For some reason, I'm getting errors claiming that distribute((AndC t),p)
is a cnf
instead of a cnf list
... except a cnf list
IS a type of cnf
. Why doesn't OCaml recognize this will provide a list eventually?
The trouble spot is lines 11-12.
type cnf
= AtomC of signed_atom
| AndC of cnf list
| OrC of cnf * cnf
let rec distribute : cnf * cnf -> cnf =
let rec aux = function
| AndC [], _
| _, AndC [] -> AndC []
| AndC (h::t), p -> AndC( distribute(h,p) :: distribute((AndC t),p) )
| p, AndC (h::t) -> AndC( distribute(p,h) :: distribute(p,(AndC t)) )
| p, q -> OrC(p, q)
in aux
A value of the form AndC xxx
is not a list. It's a value of type cnf
, and it contains a list. But it's not a list itself.
A declaration like yours defines one new type cnf
, and three new value constructors, AtomC
, AndC
, OrC
. Value constructors (as in the name) are used to construct values. They aren't types.
Every value of type cnf
will be constructed by one of the three constructors. So a list of cnf
values is not a cnf
value itself. The AndC
is required.
If you define this function:
let mycons cnf andc =
match andc with
| AndC cnfs -> cnf :: cnfs
| _ -> [cnf] (* Not possible *)
You can replace ::
with mycons
like this:
AndC( mycons (distribute (h,p)) (distribute ((AndC t), p)) )
(I haven't tested this, but I think the idea is OK. The claim is that the second call to distribute
is guaranteed to return an AndC
Update 2
You can define distribute
directly without aux
like this:
let rec distribute : cnf * cnf -> cnf = function
| AndC [], _
| _, AndC [] -> AndC []
(* Rewrite these ...
| AndC (h::t), p -> AndC( distribute(h,p) :: distribute((AndC t),p) )
| p, AndC (h::t) -> AndC( distribute(p,h) :: distribute(p,(AndC t)) )
... *)
| p, q -> OrC(p, q)